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Portside Resources


  Located on the southwestern coast of Guangdong Province with a long coastline, Yangjiang City occupies a unique position of advantageous conditions for construction of a deepwater port and development of the portside industry.


   I. Rich in resources for port construction


  Along the 458.6 km-long coastline within the territory of Yangjiang City, there are more than 30 km of deep-water shoreline (water depths greater than 10 m) available and suitable for construction of ports and wharfs, including Yangjiang Jishu Port with an appr.9.2 km-long coastline; Fengtou Port in Yangxi County with a 14.3 km-long coastline 2.6km-long costline is reserved for the development of cruise vessel , Hong Kong & Macao ferry terminal near the Hudie Islet in Zhapo Portside Zone of Yangjiang Port; the coastline of Santou Zhui  Area of Yangjiang Port is about 8 km


  -     Yangjiang Port, a national first-class port opening to the outside world


  Yangjiang Port is located on the eastern coast of Hailing Bay where there is a vast water area, basically stable underwater topography, long tidal channel, more than 10 km-long channel with a depth of over 10 m, no river flowing into the Bay, less sands from inland, large storage capacity for tidal water, less situation and good shelter condition within the bay, which is a natural deepwater port and an excellent harbor resource in Guangdong Province. The tidal storage area within Hailing Bay is about 110 sq. km, with an annual mean tidal range of 1.56 m at the bay estuary, a maximum tidal range of 3.92 m, a average storage capacity for tidal water of 280 million cubic meters and a maximum storage capacity for tidal water of 500 ~700 million cubic meters. A huge amount of tidal water flowing in and going out and thus maintain a deep tidal water channel with a 10 m isobath and a width of 300 ~ 600m, the maximum depth can reach 20 m, which allows a watercraft of   50, 000 tons to enter port while high tide and is available for construction of a 100, 000-ton deep-water berth. At present, a dredging transformation has been carried out according to the standard for 50, 000-ton water route, which after completion will be able to meet the requirement for the sailing a watercraft of 70, 000 tons.

  The coastline at Jishu Port in Yangjiang Port totals 9, 200 m longand along which, 41 berths are foreseen, including 6 multi-purpose berths along 1, 000m coastline,10 common berths along 1, 900m coastline, 8 dedicated bulk cargo berths along 2,170 m coastline, 2 container berths along 725 m coastline ,15 Oil and gas berths along 3,400 m coastline. 50, 000-ton level berths under planning totals 8 and 50,000 to100, 000-tons level berths under planning totals 5. Up to now, total 5,156m coastline has been developed, including 2,116 m that has been put into use, 1,680 m coastline that under construction and 1,360 m that is to be started onstruction.


  -     Yangxi Fengtou Port – A deepwater port to be planned and developed


  Located on the western bank of Hailing Bay, adjacent to a deep channel and facing Yangjiang Port across the sea, Fengtou Port is less than 2 km distance in a straight line from each other. A great number of shoals widely spread surrounding the bay and at south-central region among the shoals, there is a deep tidal channel developed with a depth of over 10 m, ranging from the eastern side of Fengtou Island to the west side of the bay estuary and forming a 18 km deepwater coastline, which is very rare natural deep-water route and an ice-free access for 30, 000 ~ 50, 000-ton watercrafts thanks to its natural deep water. Near Santouzui on the west side of the bay estuary, there originally existed a underwater sand ridge of 8 ~ 9 m deep under the water, and it has been scoured out to a depth of -11 m, and according to exploration, no rock stratum has been found at a depth of -20 m, but after taking appropriate engineering measures, it will be available for construction of ultra deepwater berths of 200, 000 ~ 300, 000-ton level.



  II. Broad land area near the port


  Yangjiang City is rich in land resources, and there is a broad land area adjacent to the port. A portside industrial park has been set up within the portside zone.


   - Yangjiang Jishu Port


   A land area of one million sq. m.(1, 000 m long and 1, 000 m wide) ranging from the forefront of the wharf to its rear side has been reserved for the operation zone as well as production and supporting living zone. Behind the production and supporting living zone of Yangjiang Port, a portside industrial park is set up with a planned total area of about 40 sq. km., which is mainly for the arrangement of heavy-type and large-sized industrial projects. The development will be focused on petrochemicals, machinery and equipment manufacture, grain processing, warehousing/logistics and portside processing industry with a great amount of material flow to be handled. Based on the advantage of the sea-rail combined transportation, the construction is focused on Yangjiang Port Bonded Logistics Center and Western Guangdong Grain & Oil Wholesale & Distribution Center for the purpose to set up a portside logistics base. At the same time, importance also is attached to the development of industries like electronic information/IT, food processing, textiles, garments, footwear, furniture, new building materials and etc. At present, super-large enterprises with an annual production value over RMB1 billion Yuan like Cargill Grain & Oil and CNOOC Engineering have settled down in the park.


  -     Fengtou, Santou Deepwater Port


  There exist shallow sea and beach (intertidal zone) less than -5 m in depth with an area about 67 sq. km at Xitou Town where Yangxi Deepwater Port will be located. Most of the land area is to be used for the deepwater port and the portside industrial park is located within the scope of shallow sea, beaches and waste sand beaches. In planned deep-water port zone and portside industrial area, there is about 30 sq. km of shallow sea and beach is available for cofferdam to reclaim land and thus it will basically be not necessary to use existing agricultural land. According to calculations by experts, the comprehensive unit cost of the reclamation work will be about RMB55,000 Yuan per mu, which not only settle the problem related to land for the construction of the deep-water port and portside industrial park, but also offer a low-cost for development so as to leave profit margin and attract more investors. Based on the advantage of the 300, 000-ton level deepwater port, the development will be focused on petrochemical, natural gas, palm oil, large-scale metallurgy, shipbuilding and marine bio-pharmaceuticals, port machinery and other new equipment manufacturing projects.



  III. A harbor with obvious advantages of geographical position and convenient transportation


  Located on the central coast in western Guangdong and next to the PRD Region, Yangjiang City acts not only as an important bridge communicating the western Guangdong areas and the PRD Region, but also as a key node realizing a link between the PRD of Pan-Pearl River Delta economic circle and the China’s three southwestern provinces. Yangjiang, which is easily accessible, has been integrated into the PRD Two-hour Economic Circle. Yangjiang Port is 25 km away from the urban district. Construction has been completed on a class-I highway to the port, West Guangdong Coastal Expressway together with the class-I highway links connecting Kaiping-Yangjiang Expressway, Yangjiang-Maoming Expressway, Yangchun-Yangjiang Railway. By sea, Yangjiang Port is 143 sea miles from Hong Kong, 129 sea miles from Macao and 174 sea miles from Shenzhen. Along with the completion and operation of Yangjiang-Yangchun Railway (ranging from Yangjiang Port to Yangchun), a more reliable, faster and cheaper sea-rail combined transport channel has been provided for the transport of goods in western Guangdong areas. In addition, this railway connect to Litang-Zhanjiang Railway in Guangxi Province via Guangzhou-Maoming Railway, Luoding Railway Line and other local railway lines, and as a result can realize a connection with the regions of southwestern China and thus can provide more choice for goods to and from the southwestern China. These advantages of traffic and geographical position will be able to provide a strong support for the development of Yangjiang Port and portside industry.

  Fengtou Port is only 28 km away from the Yangxi Exit to Guangzhou-Zhanjiang Expressway. The development and construction of Yangxi Deepwater Port and the Portside Industrial Park will benefit from the adjacent Yangchun-Yangjiang Railway to a large extent. At present, the Yangchun-Yangjiang Lateral Line of Guangzhou-Maoming Railway has been completed and put into operation, as long as a railway bridge span from Yangjiang Port to Fengtou Island in Yangxi(about 1, 500 m long), Yangchun-Yangjiang Railway can be extended to the area of Yangxi Deepwater Port, which will greatly improve the transportation condition of Yangxi Deepwater Port and the Portside Industrial Zone so that it can be integrated into a sound transportation system.